Visualizations for #TidyTuesday datasets

My TidyTuesday kludges

Code for the visualizations
23 July 2019

Visualizations from the "FAA Wildlife Strikes Database"

by Jesus M. Castagnetto

Source code

First, a heatmap showing the distribution of wildlife strikes from 1990 until 2019 by size of the animal, time of day, and type of organization to which the aircraft belonged (Government, Private, Military, Business, and Commercial airlines).

Distribution of wildlife strikes 1990-2019

An movie in mp4 format of the heatmap using rayshader for R. Below is an animation of the mp4 as a gif file

A movie of the heatmap above

The second visualization shows a small multiple of the yearly frequencies of strikes for the USA contiguous states, showing that in recent years Texas and California are responsible for the majority of this incidents

Change in the frequencies of wildlife strikes in the contiguous states of USA

Also, generated a mp4 movie of the graphic above, and below the converted gif animation:

A movie of the plot above

Categories: tidytuesday - R